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  The following are archived guest book entries received prior to March, 2005:

Name: Randy Pierce
Email: theogre@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
  February 21, 2005 04:14:24 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Steve Huff-I think all those Steve's in a row confused me too. I never really got over it. I think it must have caused some sort of identity crisis for me. I have quite a few health care provider clients. Perhaps our paths will cross again. And, Teresa Bear, I will also be one of the grey haired people at the reunion. Just glad to have some hair left at this point.
  February 11, 2005 20:23:10 (GMT Time)


Name: Brian Kimbrell
Email: kimbrellrugrat@aol.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Verdigris, Oklahoma
Comments: I have been married the last 28 yrs and have 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. I work as a commercial flooring estimator in Tulsa. I enjoy living out of town for the peace and quiet on a small acreage.
  February 11, 2005 03:54:23 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Teresa Bear. Of all people. So you teach at the university. All those years in French--never learned how to say a sentence. email me sometime
  February 9, 2005 22:02:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Teresa Bear
Email: tbear8@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Stillwater, OK
Comments: Great website! Alex and I are back in Stillsville (4th time for me) cheering on our Cowboys! I'm still teaching counseling psychology at OSU (Tulsa campus) and Alex is almost finished with is Ph.D. in Sociology. We're looking forward to seeing everyone. We'll be the gray-headed couple!
  February 9, 2005 10:43:48 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Dave Stockton--my wife an I are also RNs. After getting a business degree at O-State, went back and became an RN. No regrets. Steve Huhn--you come up in about every conversation about classes I had a Hale. Remember classes where Steve Hall, Steve Huhn and Steve Huff all sat next to one another. Drove substitutes nuts.
  February 9, 2005 05:33:12 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Virginia now
Comments: Really glad to get a call from the 75 homecoming committee. Never knew this site existed. After moving around the country, kids have forced us to settle down. Still married after 25 yrs.
  February 9, 2005 05:19:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott joyner
Email: scottyjoyner@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:


Name: Barry Holt
Email: holtb@us.ibm.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: It has been a long time since I have seen my old friends from High School. I was kinda shy and a nerd and kept to myself but did have some very good friends. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up at our 30th reunion. Wow, are we really that old? Feel free to email me a the above address.
  January 28, 2005 19:29:12 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott joyner
Email: scottyjoyner@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Comments: I just recently decided to look up Hale High School reunion info on the web. I recognize alot of names. However im sure no one remembers who i am. I was extremely shy and kindof a nerd in high school. Ive signed up to attend the 30th. Plan on being there with my wife. I didnt think the price was to high. But, then ive never been to any of the other ones. Pamela Kellenburger tried to get me to come to the 10 year reunion, but i wouldnt go. Anyway, see ya there. Scotty
  January 10, 2005 22:43:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Randall Padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: Seeing I come in to a sum of money. I will pay all admission for people at the reunion this year
  January 7, 2005 17:44:10 (GMT Time)


Name: Beth Gardner-Reed
Email: bifstar@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Atlanta, GA
  January 4, 2005 16:56:36 (GMT Time)


Name: Julie Jenkins (Ratliff)
Email: jl_jnkns@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Coppell, Tx (Dallas)
Comments: In regards to [bit of concern]. We too always have had concern about the financial portion of the reunions. We've been to all five and have been in various stages of poverty/wealth with each one. So here's my take on the situation. I've learned that with most things in life, the things I really want to do, I make a way. I don't consider myself to have been a "popular" person in high school, except with my friends and that is who I go to see. Ironically, I've found at every reunion that I end up visiting with people I knew of but never "knew", and enjoy getting to know them and their journey in life. So... while we'll completing paying off our oldest's last semester in college and looking forward to beginning the pay off of student loans, I'll be figuring up how many cokes or burgers I'll have to give up to make it happen. I figure I have five months to save up $154, so broken down, thirty dollars a month is much more manageable. Looking forward to seeing anyone who's there!!
  December 30, 2004 03:39:01 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Brooks
Email: MarkB@injoystewardship.com
Where are
you from:
Suwanee, Georgia
Comments: It's so cool to see old names and hear where you all are. This has been a huge year for us. Our son who is a Captain in the Army was in Baghdad for 15 months. He is home this Christmas for which we are grateful. Last Christmas night he was nearly killed so this one will be especially good. Our daughter graduated from the University of Georgia last Saturday. All of mine are out of college. Now that will make you feel old! Have a great new year and I plan on seeing you all this Summer. Drop me an email and let's catch up.
  December 23, 2004 23:27:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: After "school" on Saturday will be able to drink beer, do burnouts and hang out in the parking lot, just like the old days? Will it be at our own risk as it was in the days gone by?
  December 23, 2004 01:14:22 (GMT Time)


Name: Carol Dickey
Where are
you from:
Comments: Jim-Your concern about cost is valid. We do have a NON-PAYING event for Saturday afternoon "Tour of HALE" from 2:00PM - 4:00PM. We left Friday night open so folks can get together on their own time and expense.
  December 21, 2004 19:12:48 (GMT Time)


Name: Jim Brown
Email: nightstalker_1957@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Comments: A bit of concern! Well I can see that we are up to the same old thing MONEY. I was looking forward to the "75" reunion and seeing alot of you but $77.00 dollars for one person and $154.00 for two is a little steep for my blood for 5 hours of entertainment. I have never been to one of the reunions do to the price! Wow pay to see your old classmates? Why can't we get back to the basics of fun and fellowship without the high cost? I gess I'll wait untill we can get someone in charge of the reunion with alittle more consideration for ALL the class of "75". I hope you all have a fun time at the reunion.
  December 21, 2004 16:56:05 (GMT Time)


Name: Nancy Kimbrough Noland
Email: nolandal@ix.netcom.com
Where are
you from:
Richardson,Tx (Dallas)
Comments: Thanks for the website updates. I check in every now and then and am reminded of so much. It is such a great feeling. My husband Al and I are now empty-nesters with both our boys at Texas A&M. Maybe now we will have more time for ourselves and we can make the 30th. Please keep us updated if times or changes occur. Current email for now listed. Thanks again and I would love to hear from one and all you 75ers.
  December 13, 2004 12:05:41 (GMT Time)


Name: Julie Jenkins (Ratliff)
Email: jl_jnkns@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Coppell, TX (Dallas)
Comments: Hey everyone! This really is a great website - thanks for all your hard work Carol! I'm looking for a letter jacket and cheerleading outfit to display at the reunion ( for that matter anything you have that you think would be fun to share the memories). If you have an item and would be willing to share it, please email me and let me know. Looking forward to June!
  December 2, 2004 04:36:43 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Chatterton
Email: rwcdad@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Parker Colorado
Comments: Just made the move from jacksonville Florida to Parker Colorado, an adventure in moving!! My kids have got to see snow for the first time in their lives. We are now so much closer to Tulsa that being at the 30 will be a breeze.
  November 30, 2004 17:13:23 (GMT Time)


Name: Keith Nobbs
Email: h.nobbs@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Ok. 74112
Comments: Hello all; I hope that I get to see some of members at the reunion in 2005. I have not seen very many of the members in the last 30 years. I can give you my cell number so that you can contact me if you would like.... 918 521-4856 cell#. Email address is h.nobbs@cox.net. Website is www.bign.com/knobbs. Come take a look around... Have a GREAT one now!! Keith Nobbs
  November 29, 2004 23:52:59 (GMT Time)


Name: Debby White
Email: whitedebby@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great website...would love to see class of '69 with one. Many unforgettable memories @Tulsa Hale, Eli Whitney, and Herbert Hoover...Boot's, Peoria, Pennington's. The NATHAN HALE ALUMNI FOUNDATION's website is super too...hope more alumni respond as time goes by.
  November 24, 2004 03:51:36 (GMT Time)


Name: Reed Gamble
Email: bigrh@ev1.net
Where are
you from:
Azle, Texas
Comments: Tim Chatterton do you remember geometry class? Do you remember any geometry?! Good to hear you are still around. Hope you can make it to the 30th. Priscilla and I are doing good, had another baby (girl) this July (I know, I know, what was I thinkin'..) and all are doing well. We are building a house on our land and I'm trying to trick some deer into thinking I'm just there to watch!! (man, the rut is just wild down here right now..) Steve Darr, speaking of Fulton and soul mates, I was pretty good friends with Chris Neimeyer in those real early years and was looking forward to seeing him this year. So sad to hear he had passed away. Anyone know what happened to Danny Self or Mike Geiser?? Y'all come, It will be fun!! Thanks Carol for all the hard work on this over the years.
  November 10, 2004 12:47:12 (GMT Time)


Name: cathy carey wise
Email: jwise6@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: web site is great, Carol. No surprise. We hope to make it back for the 30th. Our oldest daughter will have just graduated from OU (Boomer Sooner) and seems to think we need to move her to NYC. Hopefully, the timing of everything will work out.
  October 26, 2004 23:24:44 (GMT Time)


Name: Rick Vann
Email: rvann4@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great site. Nothing noteworthy with me, Wife, Son, Bills, Work. I'm living the dream. Went to the 10 yr. reunion. Haven't been to another. Hopefully will make the 30 yr. Went through the yearbook and was overcome with the knowledge of all the friends I haven't thought about in years. Would love to see everybody. Take care, Rick
  October 24, 2004 20:32:59 (GMT Time)


Name: Connie Robb Hoffnan
Email: mikesgirl5357@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Nice web-site. Haven't made it to the last two reunions, trying to keep up with my six kids schedules. Down to two at home full-time. Sorry to see that so many of our class are no longer with us. Hope to be at our 30th, if it's not at the same time as my oldest daughter's wedding. Connie
  October 16, 2004 22:55:57 (GMT Time)


Name: Sandra Munroe Richards
Email: smrich157@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Lusby Md
Comments: I have missed the last reunions but God willing I'm making this one. Moving back to Jacksonville Fl. next month before it snows up here. See you all soon.
  October 11, 2004 16:41:24 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Busha
Email: mrkbsh@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Nice site.......see you next year.
  October 9, 2004 19:42:04 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Afeld
Email: tcjjafeld@earthlink.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: What a great job you all are doing on this web site. It was alot of fun reading some of the comments. I can't beleve the list is so long of those who have passed on.Couldn't make the 25th son was getting married will make the 3oth.
  September 16, 2004 04:31:55 (GMT Time)


Name: Greg Fine
Email: gmfine@ctcis.net
Where are
you from:
Higginsville, Missouri
Comments: For the past 10 years my wife and four children and I have made Higginsville, Missouri our home. I am pastor of the First Baptist Church. I never would have thought in high school that I would one day pastor a church or travel overseas to places such as Belarus and China. My life has been richly blessed in so many ways!
  September 15, 2004 01:46:18 (GMT Time)


Name: Joey Lewallen
Email: jlewal3557@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Corpus Christi, TX.
Comments: Howdy to everyone! What a great web site. I haven't made a reunion yet but I'm looking forward to our 30th! Cheers! Joey
  September 9, 2004 01:04:32 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Edlich
Email: edlich57@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa OK
Comments: Hey Barbara Barnes! My email has changed since we last corresponded over a year ago and I lost your email address. Send me a note at edlich57@aol.com so we can catch up. I hope you are going to attend our 30th reunion next summer.
  August 31, 2004 17:19:30 (GMT Time)


Name: randy padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: looking to rent my cabin at grandlake. 600 a month 902-1106
  August 27, 2004 13:20:34 (GMT Time)


Name: David Giacometti
Email: daveg@sharkstudios.com
Where are
you from:
Manhattan Beach, California
Comments: My God, I'm 46!! What the hale happenned?! Glad to see many are still around and haven't lost their sense of humor.  
  August 25, 2004 04:53:54 (GMT Time)


Name: Tom Gudgel
Email: tiiig!aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, OK
Comments: I live in Tulsa, 2925 E. 74 Street, Tulsa, OK 74136. My home Phone number is 918/419-2028. I am an attorney and a partner with the firm of LaCourse & Davis, PLC, 2250 E. 73 Street, Suite 600, Tulsa, OK 74136. My Office Phone is 918/744-7100, Fax 918/477-2299. My office E-Mail is tom@lacoursedavis.com. I went to Norman, Ok the summer between my sophmore and junior year. I graduated from Norman High School in 1975. I went to OU where I met my wife Lesley Baker. She graduated from Jenks, OK in 1976. We married May 17, 1980 and have enjoyed 24 years together. We have 2 boys, Grant and Blake. Both are attending OU. I look forward to attending the 30th reunion.
  August 18, 2004 01:29:41 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Hope to make the 30 year reunion. It has been a while since I attended one of these things. Nice job on the web site.
  August 17, 2004 18:48:16 (GMT Time)


Name: Sherry (Porter) Heim
Email: okheim@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Southwest Tulsa
Comments: Had a great time at the 25th. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 30th. And yes, we are old enough to be thinking about the 30th, considering I've made 25 years with my employer...
  August 17, 2004 00:16:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott Brown
Email: lonestarex@aol.com
Where are
you from:
North Richland Hills, TX
Comments: Looking forward to the 30th!
  August 12, 2004 12:14:46 (GMT Time)


Name: Mary Haymes Pierson
Email: jmpie@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Irvine, CA
Comments: Really hoping to make it to the reunion next year. Great job to all of you who put this web page together and took the time to contact all of us. Thank You
  August 5, 2004 04:13:09 (GMT Time)


Name: Karen Mullikin First
Email: catsailor07@hotmail.com
Where are
you from:
Wagoner, now!
Comments: I truly enjoyed the trip down memory lane! Excellent job! I had a blast at the 25th. Can't wait till I see you guys at the 30th!!!
  August 4, 2004 13:33:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Julia Ann Layman Sprinkle Shupe
Email: uweeforu@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
  August 4, 2004 02:02:07 (GMT Time)


Name: Jan Brook
Email: starwalker3@mac.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Gosh, where to begin? You can pack a lot of living in thirty years, and it just keeps getting better and better. (And busier!) I've yet to make it to a reunion, so I'm really looking forward to attending in 2005. Who knows? I may even have some of my writings sold by then. Even if that's not the case, Life's a journey not a destination. My philosophy is to enjoy the scenery along the way. Jan
  August 2, 2004 23:22:25 (GMT Time)


Name: Jeffry L. Ford
Email: windowsbyjeffllc@aol
Where are
you from:
10 Westwind, Sand Springs,OK 74063
Comments: My wife, Sarah, and I look forward to seeing everybody at the reunion!!
  July 30, 2004 22:54:11 (GMT Time)


Name: Neil Griffith
Email: 1ngriffith@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Andover, Ks.
Comments: Alive and feeling very young.
  July 30, 2004 22:04:17 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Edlich
Email: edlich57@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa OK
Comments: 30 years? Can't be. I attended the Saturday party at our 25th reunion and that was the first reunion event I made it to. Had a wonderful time; I encourage all to make our 30th. To all fellow classmates that lived in the Lortondale neighborhood, around 26th St. and 27th St., west of Yale Avenue (this is the neighborhood of 160+ modern architecture homes, designed by architect Donald Honn and built by Howard Grubb): I now live in the Lortondale neighborhood and we are reviving the neighborhood association. We are hoping to have Lortondale listed on the National Historic Register very soon. Please visit our website at www.lortondale.com for a trip down memory lane. Our website is only 3-4 months old and we have more to do; we would appreciate any photos, recollections, or info. from any current or former Lortondale residents. See you in 2005. Steve Edlich
  July 30, 2004 20:59:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Jon Lamb
Where are
you from:
Talala Ok.
  July 30, 2004 00:05:44 (GMT Time)


Name: Jim Brown
Email: nightstalker_57@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Okla.
Comments: Nice work on the Web Sight, sorry to see so many people gone. Looking forward to the renion! Looking at all the pics make me think of the long hair and our dress. Well some of us ours turn gray and some it turns out and some it does both.
  July 29, 2004 16:33:08 (GMT Time)


Name: Karen Wilburn (Hoffman)
Email: okiemom_56@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Dewar, Ok.
Comments: It's hard to believe that 30 years have gone by!
  July 22, 2004 15:22:22 (GMT Time)


Name: Sam Crouch
Email: luvmy70mg@hotmail.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Glad to see the website still up and running. Great job on website. Looking forward to the 30 year reunion. Went to the 25 year and had a great time. Good to see many faces from those wonderful years back then at Hale. Hope the 30 year reunion is planned as well and that many show up. Sad to see the "In Memoriam" list has grown a little longer.
  July 12, 2004 04:11:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Judy Kastl
Email: judkas9@webtv.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: I was contacted by a classmate today who said I was 'lost'...and right here in Tulsa, no less. Anyway, it was fun e-mailing her tonight. She gave me this web address and what fun to see the fight song, etc. You know, I could hum the tune but didn't have a clue of the words since in high school I was always playing the saxophone (and not singing) at every touchdown. And boy, did we have a lot of those. Did we ever lose a football game? Tonight I also pulled down my yearbook (and blew off all the dust) and looked at all our classmates who have passed away. What a humbling experience! Hard to believe the thirtieth year approaches....weren't we 16 just yesterday? I still subscribe to the Peter Pan theory...never gonna grow up...was riding roller coasters just last weekend! I look forward to the details for next summer...see you all there.
  July 3, 2004 03:33:55 (GMT Time)


Name: Susie Roy Goebel
Email: littlefoot4god@juno.com
Where are
you from:
My home is in Cabot Arkansas
Comments: I missed the last reunion,,,took the boys to Washington DC. What a Wonderful job on the site! Really looking forward to the Reunion. If I can help, let me know. Geez...are we really old enough to have a 30 yr reunion?
  June 23, 2004 20:48:45 (GMT Time)


Name: Robin McNally-Callahan
Email: robin10706@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Guilford Connecticut
Comments: Looking forward to hearing about the latest reunion. Went to the last one. Pretty amazing at who actually shows up at these things......
  June 22, 2004 21:31:47 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Darr
Email: sdarr@reasors.com
Where are
you from:
Wagoner, OK
Comments: Thomas Allen Keith: We lost one of our classmates, and at one time in my adolescence, one of my soul mates. My first recollection of Tom Keith came from Fulton elementary where we attended from Kindergarten forward. I recall sitting behind Tom one day in Ms. Pools' kindergarten class and noticing what I then thought to be a bug crawling behind his ear! Lo and behold, not a bug, but the temple piece from his glasses protruding behind the ear. The warning I gave him struck him as being funny, and later, the joke was on me cause....you guessed it, I ended up with glasses as well! Tom was a friend, a musician, a writer, a researcher, a conspiracy theorist who spent countless hours studying the JKK assassination, photographer, and friend to many of us at Hale. Tom was in that unclassified group located somewhere between the jocks and the geeks, probably best classified as a hippie in our HS years. I (re)met Tom by virtue of my friendship with a transplant student who showed up
  June 22, 2004 15:31:43 (GMT Time)


Name: David Stockwell
Email: dstock1957@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Broken Arrow, OK
Comments: My wife and I are both Registered Nurses. She is at Hillcrest and I am contracting in hospital operating rooms. We have two kids in college. Looking forward to the reunion.
  June 19, 2004 21:06:11 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Brooks
Email: MarkB@injoystewardship.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: 30 years! We are way too young for this reunion. To all those complaining about the Wooten Brothers get over it! The concert was not for us but to make money. It was the number one money making venture for our class. Who do you think had all the money back in '75? Not we 17 and 18 year olds but all those Blue Grassers. We made a lot of money on that event believe it or not. So, lighten up Bob! 30 years should mellow us all!
  June 19, 2004 02:18:28 (GMT Time)


Name: Ed Meyer
Email: ed@meyertribe.com
Where are
you from:
  June 1, 2004 19:31:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Bob Smith
Email: toreckman@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
New Mexico
Comments: Let's hope that Bruce Humphrey doesn't do too much with this reunion. Carol is doing a super job. If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and have Carol be our class president. Then maybe we would have had some decent band like Foghat come to Hale instead of the Wooten Brothers. Yee haw...
  May 23, 2004 20:37:14 (GMT Time)


Name: Doug McDonald
Email: dmcdonald47@comcast.net
Where are
you from:
Tulsa now in Jacksonville Fla.
Comments: Great site Rangers. I am the one Tim Chatterton mentioned in his comment. Yes it is a small world. Hope to see y'all at the thirty.
  May 13, 2004 02:08:27 (GMT Time)


Name: randy padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: hi
  May 11, 2004 18:39:37 (GMT Time)


Name: teresa roberts
Email: terwee@webtv.net
Where are
you from:
tulsa, ok
Comments: good website - wish class of '74 had one
  May 8, 2004 02:59:13 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Chatterton
Email: rwcdad@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great site. I appreciate all the work that has gone into making this site. In the small world file I ran into another one of our classmates after 29 years here in Jacksonville Florida. Just goes to show us Rangers still get around
  May 3, 2004 02:13:15 (GMT Time)


Name: David Pierce
Email: dpierce302@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Blackwell, OK
Comments: Nice web site. Do you have info. on the class of 66 or other classes?
  April 14, 2004 18:26:01 (GMT Time)


Email: wyomingok@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
  September 15, 2003 17:41:17 (GMT Time)


HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
  February 25, 2005 02:03:59 (GMT Time)


Name: Randy Pierce
Email: theogre@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
  February 21, 2005 04:14:24 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Steve Huff-I think all those Steve's in a row confused me too. I never really got over it. I think it must have caused some sort of identity crisis for me. I have quite a few health care provider clients. Perhaps our paths will cross again. And, Teresa Bear, I will also be one of the grey haired people at the reunion. Just glad to have some hair left at this point.
  February 11, 2005 20:23:10 (GMT Time)


Name: Brian Kimbrell
Email: kimbrellrugrat@aol.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Verdigris, Oklahoma
Comments: I have been married the last 28 yrs and have 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. I work as a commercial flooring estimator in Tulsa. I enjoy living out of town for the peace and quiet on a small acreage.
  February 11, 2005 03:54:23 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Teresa Bear. Of all people. So you teach at the university. All those years in French--never learned how to say a sentence. email me sometime
  February 9, 2005 22:02:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Teresa Bear
Email: tbear8@cox.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Stillwater, OK
Comments: Great website! Alex and I are back in Stillsville (4th time for me) cheering on our Cowboys! I'm still teaching counseling psychology at OSU (Tulsa campus) and Alex is almost finished with is Ph.D. in Sociology. We're looking forward to seeing everyone. We'll be the gray-headed couple!
  February 9, 2005 10:43:48 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Dave Stockton--my wife an I are also RNs. After getting a business degree at O-State, went back and became an RN. No regrets. Steve Huhn--you come up in about every conversation about classes I had a Hale. Remember classes where Steve Hall, Steve Huhn and Steve Huff all sat next to one another. Drove substitutes nuts.
  February 9, 2005 05:33:12 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huff
Email: bacache2003@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Virginia now
Comments: Really glad to get a call from the 75 homecoming committee. Never knew this site existed. After moving around the country, kids have forced us to settle down. Still married after 25 yrs.
  February 9, 2005 05:19:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott joyner
Email: scottyjoyner@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:


Name: Barry Holt
Email: holtb@us.ibm.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: It has been a long time since I have seen my old friends from High School. I was kinda shy and a nerd and kept to myself but did have some very good friends. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up at our 30th reunion. Wow, are we really that old? Feel free to email me a the above address.
  January 28, 2005 19:29:12 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott joyner
Email: scottyjoyner@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Comments: I just recently decided to look up Hale High School reunion info on the web. I recognize alot of names. However im sure no one remembers who i am. I was extremely shy and kindof a nerd in high school. Ive signed up to attend the 30th. Plan on being there with my wife. I didnt think the price was to high. But, then ive never been to any of the other ones. Pamela Kellenburger tried to get me to come to the 10 year reunion, but i wouldnt go. Anyway, see ya there. Scotty
  January 10, 2005 22:43:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Randall Padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: Seeing I come in to a sum of money. I will pay all admission for people at the reunion this year
  January 7, 2005 17:44:10 (GMT Time)


Name: Beth Gardner-Reed
Email: bifstar@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Atlanta, GA
  January 4, 2005 16:56:36 (GMT Time)


Name: Julie Jenkins (Ratliff)
Email: jl_jnkns@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Coppell, Tx (Dallas)
Comments: In regards to [bit of concern]. We too always have had concern about the financial portion of the reunions. We've been to all five and have been in various stages of poverty/wealth with each one. So here's my take on the situation. I've learned that with most things in life, the things I really want to do, I make a way. I don't consider myself to have been a "popular" person in high school, except with my friends and that is who I go to see. Ironically, I've found at every reunion that I end up visiting with people I knew of but never "knew", and enjoy getting to know them and their journey in life. So... while we'll completing paying off our oldest's last semester in college and looking forward to beginning the pay off of student loans, I'll be figuring up how many cokes or burgers I'll have to give up to make it happen. I figure I have five months to save up $154, so broken down, thirty dollars a month is much more manageable. Looking forward to seeing anyone who's there!!
  December 30, 2004 03:39:01 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Brooks
Email: MarkB@injoystewardship.com
Where are
you from:
Suwanee, Georgia
Comments: It's so cool to see old names and hear where you all are. This has been a huge year for us. Our son who is a Captain in the Army was in Baghdad for 15 months. He is home this Christmas for which we are grateful. Last Christmas night he was nearly killed so this one will be especially good. Our daughter graduated from the University of Georgia last Saturday. All of mine are out of college. Now that will make you feel old! Have a great new year and I plan on seeing you all this Summer. Drop me an email and let's catch up.
  December 23, 2004 23:27:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: After "school" on Saturday will be able to drink beer, do burnouts and hang out in the parking lot, just like the old days? Will it be at our own risk as it was in the days gone by?
  December 23, 2004 01:14:22 (GMT Time)


Name: Carol Dickey
Where are
you from:
Comments: Jim-Your concern about cost is valid. We do have a NON-PAYING event for Saturday afternoon "Tour of HALE" from 2:00PM - 4:00PM. We left Friday night open so folks can get together on their own time and expense.
  December 21, 2004 19:12:48 (GMT Time)


Name: Jim Brown
Email: nightstalker_1957@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Comments: A bit of concern! Well I can see that we are up to the same old thing MONEY. I was looking forward to the "75" reunion and seeing alot of you but $77.00 dollars for one person and $154.00 for two is a little steep for my blood for 5 hours of entertainment. I have never been to one of the reunions do to the price! Wow pay to see your old classmates? Why can't we get back to the basics of fun and fellowship without the high cost? I gess I'll wait untill we can get someone in charge of the reunion with alittle more consideration for ALL the class of "75". I hope you all have a fun time at the reunion.
  December 21, 2004 16:56:05 (GMT Time)


Name: Nancy Kimbrough Noland
Email: nolandal@ix.netcom.com
Where are
you from:
Richardson,Tx (Dallas)
Comments: Thanks for the website updates. I check in every now and then and am reminded of so much. It is such a great feeling. My husband Al and I are now empty-nesters with both our boys at Texas A&M. Maybe now we will have more time for ourselves and we can make the 30th. Please keep us updated if times or changes occur. Current email for now listed. Thanks again and I would love to hear from one and all you 75ers.
  December 13, 2004 12:05:41 (GMT Time)


Name: Julie Jenkins (Ratliff)
Email: jl_jnkns@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Coppell, TX (Dallas)
Comments: Hey everyone! This really is a great website - thanks for all your hard work Carol! I'm looking for a letter jacket and cheerleading outfit to display at the reunion ( for that matter anything you have that you think would be fun to share the memories). If you have an item and would be willing to share it, please email me and let me know. Looking forward to June!
  December 2, 2004 04:36:43 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Chatterton
Email: rwcdad@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Parker Colorado
Comments: Just made the move from jacksonville Florida to Parker Colorado, an adventure in moving!! My kids have got to see snow for the first time in their lives. We are now so much closer to Tulsa that being at the 30 will be a breeze.
  November 30, 2004 17:13:23 (GMT Time)


Name: Keith Nobbs
Email: h.nobbs@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Ok. 74112
Comments: Hello all; I hope that I get to see some of members at the reunion in 2005. I have not seen very many of the members in the last 30 years. I can give you my cell number so that you can contact me if you would like.... 918 521-4856 cell#. Email address is h.nobbs@cox.net. Website is www.bign.com/knobbs. Come take a look around... Have a GREAT one now!! Keith Nobbs
  November 29, 2004 23:52:59 (GMT Time)


Name: Debby White
Email: whitedebby@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great website...would love to see class of '69 with one. Many unforgettable memories @Tulsa Hale, Eli Whitney, and Herbert Hoover...Boot's, Peoria, Pennington's. The NATHAN HALE ALUMNI FOUNDATION's website is super too...hope more alumni respond as time goes by.
  November 24, 2004 03:51:36 (GMT Time)


Name: Reed Gamble
Email: bigrh@ev1.net
Where are
you from:
Azle, Texas
Comments: Tim Chatterton do you remember geometry class? Do you remember any geometry?! Good to hear you are still around. Hope you can make it to the 30th. Priscilla and I are doing good, had another baby (girl) this July (I know, I know, what was I thinkin'..) and all are doing well. We are building a house on our land and I'm trying to trick some deer into thinking I'm just there to watch!! (man, the rut is just wild down here right now..) Steve Darr, speaking of Fulton and soul mates, I was pretty good friends with Chris Neimeyer in those real early years and was looking forward to seeing him this year. So sad to hear he had passed away. Anyone know what happened to Danny Self or Mike Geiser?? Y'all come, It will be fun!! Thanks Carol for all the hard work on this over the years.
  November 10, 2004 12:47:12 (GMT Time)


Name: cathy carey wise
Email: jwise6@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: web site is great, Carol. No surprise. We hope to make it back for the 30th. Our oldest daughter will have just graduated from OU (Boomer Sooner) and seems to think we need to move her to NYC. Hopefully, the timing of everything will work out.
  October 26, 2004 23:24:44 (GMT Time)


Name: Rick Vann
Email: rvann4@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great site. Nothing noteworthy with me, Wife, Son, Bills, Work. I'm living the dream. Went to the 10 yr. reunion. Haven't been to another. Hopefully will make the 30 yr. Went through the yearbook and was overcome with the knowledge of all the friends I haven't thought about in years. Would love to see everybody. Take care, Rick
  October 24, 2004 20:32:59 (GMT Time)


Name: Connie Robb Hoffnan
Email: mikesgirl5357@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Nice web-site. Haven't made it to the last two reunions, trying to keep up with my six kids schedules. Down to two at home full-time. Sorry to see that so many of our class are no longer with us. Hope to be at our 30th, if it's not at the same time as my oldest daughter's wedding. Connie
  October 16, 2004 22:55:57 (GMT Time)


Name: Sandra Munroe Richards
Email: smrich157@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Lusby Md
Comments: I have missed the last reunions but God willing I'm making this one. Moving back to Jacksonville Fl. next month before it snows up here. See you all soon.
  October 11, 2004 16:41:24 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Busha
Email: mrkbsh@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Nice site.......see you next year.
  October 9, 2004 19:42:04 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Afeld
Email: tcjjafeld@earthlink.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: What a great job you all are doing on this web site. It was alot of fun reading some of the comments. I can't beleve the list is so long of those who have passed on.Couldn't make the 25th son was getting married will make the 3oth.
  September 16, 2004 04:31:55 (GMT Time)


Name: Greg Fine
Email: gmfine@ctcis.net
Where are
you from:
Higginsville, Missouri
Comments: For the past 10 years my wife and four children and I have made Higginsville, Missouri our home. I am pastor of the First Baptist Church. I never would have thought in high school that I would one day pastor a church or travel overseas to places such as Belarus and China. My life has been richly blessed in so many ways!
  September 15, 2004 01:46:18 (GMT Time)


Name: Joey Lewallen
Email: jlewal3557@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Corpus Christi, TX.
Comments: Howdy to everyone! What a great web site. I haven't made a reunion yet but I'm looking forward to our 30th! Cheers! Joey
  September 9, 2004 01:04:32 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Edlich
Email: edlich57@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa OK
Comments: Hey Barbara Barnes! My email has changed since we last corresponded over a year ago and I lost your email address. Send me a note at edlich57@aol.com so we can catch up. I hope you are going to attend our 30th reunion next summer.
  August 31, 2004 17:19:30 (GMT Time)


Name: randy padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: looking to rent my cabin at grandlake. 600 a month 902-1106
  August 27, 2004 13:20:34 (GMT Time)


Name: David Giacometti
Email: daveg@sharkstudios.com
Where are
you from:
Manhattan Beach, California
Comments: My God, I'm 46!! What the hale happenned?! Glad to see many are still around and haven't lost their sense of humor.  
  August 25, 2004 04:53:54 (GMT Time)


Name: Tom Gudgel
Email: tiiig!aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, OK
Comments: I live in Tulsa, 2925 E. 74 Street, Tulsa, OK 74136. My home Phone number is 918/419-2028. I am an attorney and a partner with the firm of LaCourse & Davis, PLC, 2250 E. 73 Street, Suite 600, Tulsa, OK 74136. My Office Phone is 918/744-7100, Fax 918/477-2299. My office E-Mail is tom@lacoursedavis.com. I went to Norman, Ok the summer between my sophmore and junior year. I graduated from Norman High School in 1975. I went to OU where I met my wife Lesley Baker. She graduated from Jenks, OK in 1976. We married May 17, 1980 and have enjoyed 24 years together. We have 2 boys, Grant and Blake. Both are attending OU. I look forward to attending the 30th reunion.
  August 18, 2004 01:29:41 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Huhn
Email: huhncpa@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: Hope to make the 30 year reunion. It has been a while since I attended one of these things. Nice job on the web site.
  August 17, 2004 18:48:16 (GMT Time)


Name: Sherry (Porter) Heim
Email: okheim@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Southwest Tulsa
Comments: Had a great time at the 25th. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 30th. And yes, we are old enough to be thinking about the 30th, considering I've made 25 years with my employer...
  August 17, 2004 00:16:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Scott Brown
Email: lonestarex@aol.com
Where are
you from:
North Richland Hills, TX
Comments: Looking forward to the 30th!
  August 12, 2004 12:14:46 (GMT Time)


Name: Mary Haymes Pierson
Email: jmpie@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Irvine, CA
Comments: Really hoping to make it to the reunion next year. Great job to all of you who put this web page together and took the time to contact all of us. Thank You
  August 5, 2004 04:13:09 (GMT Time)


Name: Karen Mullikin First
Email: catsailor07@hotmail.com
Where are
you from:
Wagoner, now!
Comments: I truly enjoyed the trip down memory lane! Excellent job! I had a blast at the 25th. Can't wait till I see you guys at the 30th!!!
  August 4, 2004 13:33:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Julia Ann Layman Sprinkle Shupe
Email: uweeforu@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Oklahoma
  August 4, 2004 02:02:07 (GMT Time)


Name: Jan Brook
Email: starwalker3@mac.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Gosh, where to begin? You can pack a lot of living in thirty years, and it just keeps getting better and better. (And busier!) I've yet to make it to a reunion, so I'm really looking forward to attending in 2005. Who knows? I may even have some of my writings sold by then. Even if that's not the case, Life's a journey not a destination. My philosophy is to enjoy the scenery along the way. Jan
  August 2, 2004 23:22:25 (GMT Time)


Name: Jeffry L. Ford
Email: windowsbyjeffllc@aol
Where are
you from:
10 Westwind, Sand Springs,OK 74063
Comments: My wife, Sarah, and I look forward to seeing everybody at the reunion!!
  July 30, 2004 22:54:11 (GMT Time)


Name: Neil Griffith
Email: 1ngriffith@cox.net
Where are
you from:
Andover, Ks.
Comments: Alive and feeling very young.
  July 30, 2004 22:04:17 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Edlich
Email: edlich57@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa OK
Comments: 30 years? Can't be. I attended the Saturday party at our 25th reunion and that was the first reunion event I made it to. Had a wonderful time; I encourage all to make our 30th. To all fellow classmates that lived in the Lortondale neighborhood, around 26th St. and 27th St., west of Yale Avenue (this is the neighborhood of 160+ modern architecture homes, designed by architect Donald Honn and built by Howard Grubb): I now live in the Lortondale neighborhood and we are reviving the neighborhood association. We are hoping to have Lortondale listed on the National Historic Register very soon. Please visit our website at www.lortondale.com for a trip down memory lane. Our website is only 3-4 months old and we have more to do; we would appreciate any photos, recollections, or info. from any current or former Lortondale residents. See you in 2005. Steve Edlich
  July 30, 2004 20:59:50 (GMT Time)


Name: Jon Lamb
Where are
you from:
Talala Ok.
  July 30, 2004 00:05:44 (GMT Time)


Name: Jim Brown
Email: nightstalker_57@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Tulsa, Okla.
Comments: Nice work on the Web Sight, sorry to see so many people gone. Looking forward to the renion! Looking at all the pics make me think of the long hair and our dress. Well some of us ours turn gray and some it turns out and some it does both.
  July 29, 2004 16:33:08 (GMT Time)


Name: Karen Wilburn (Hoffman)
Email: okiemom_56@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Dewar, Ok.
Comments: It's hard to believe that 30 years have gone by!
  July 22, 2004 15:22:22 (GMT Time)


Name: Sam Crouch
Email: luvmy70mg@hotmail.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Glad to see the website still up and running. Great job on website. Looking forward to the 30 year reunion. Went to the 25 year and had a great time. Good to see many faces from those wonderful years back then at Hale. Hope the 30 year reunion is planned as well and that many show up. Sad to see the "In Memoriam" list has grown a little longer.
  July 12, 2004 04:11:15 (GMT Time)


Name: Judy Kastl
Email: judkas9@webtv.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: I was contacted by a classmate today who said I was 'lost'...and right here in Tulsa, no less. Anyway, it was fun e-mailing her tonight. She gave me this web address and what fun to see the fight song, etc. You know, I could hum the tune but didn't have a clue of the words since in high school I was always playing the saxophone (and not singing) at every touchdown. And boy, did we have a lot of those. Did we ever lose a football game? Tonight I also pulled down my yearbook (and blew off all the dust) and looked at all our classmates who have passed away. What a humbling experience! Hard to believe the thirtieth year approaches....weren't we 16 just yesterday? I still subscribe to the Peter Pan theory...never gonna grow up...was riding roller coasters just last weekend! I look forward to the details for next summer...see you all there.
  July 3, 2004 03:33:55 (GMT Time)


Name: Susie Roy Goebel
Email: littlefoot4god@juno.com
Where are
you from:
My home is in Cabot Arkansas
Comments: I missed the last reunion,,,took the boys to Washington DC. What a Wonderful job on the site! Really looking forward to the Reunion. If I can help, let me know. Geez...are we really old enough to have a 30 yr reunion?
  June 23, 2004 20:48:45 (GMT Time)


Name: Robin McNally-Callahan
Email: robin10706@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Guilford Connecticut
Comments: Looking forward to hearing about the latest reunion. Went to the last one. Pretty amazing at who actually shows up at these things......
  June 22, 2004 21:31:47 (GMT Time)


Name: Steve Darr
Email: sdarr@reasors.com
Where are
you from:
Wagoner, OK
Comments: Thomas Allen Keith: We lost one of our classmates, and at one time in my adolescence, one of my soul mates. My first recollection of Tom Keith came from Fulton elementary where we attended from Kindergarten forward. I recall sitting behind Tom one day in Ms. Pools' kindergarten class and noticing what I then thought to be a bug crawling behind his ear! Lo and behold, not a bug, but the temple piece from his glasses protruding behind the ear. The warning I gave him struck him as being funny, and later, the joke was on me cause....you guessed it, I ended up with glasses as well! Tom was a friend, a musician, a writer, a researcher, a conspiracy theorist who spent countless hours studying the JKK assassination, photographer, and friend to many of us at Hale. Tom was in that unclassified group located somewhere between the jocks and the geeks, probably best classified as a hippie in our HS years. I (re)met Tom by virtue of my friendship with a transplant student who showed up
  June 22, 2004 15:31:43 (GMT Time)


Name: David Stockwell
Email: dstock1957@msn.com
Where are
you from:
Broken Arrow, OK
Comments: My wife and I are both Registered Nurses. She is at Hillcrest and I am contracting in hospital operating rooms. We have two kids in college. Looking forward to the reunion.
  June 19, 2004 21:06:11 (GMT Time)


Name: Mark Brooks
Email: MarkB@injoystewardship.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: 30 years! We are way too young for this reunion. To all those complaining about the Wooten Brothers get over it! The concert was not for us but to make money. It was the number one money making venture for our class. Who do you think had all the money back in '75? Not we 17 and 18 year olds but all those Blue Grassers. We made a lot of money on that event believe it or not. So, lighten up Bob! 30 years should mellow us all!
  June 19, 2004 02:18:28 (GMT Time)


Name: Ed Meyer
Email: ed@meyertribe.com
Where are
you from:
  June 1, 2004 19:31:56 (GMT Time)


Name: Bob Smith
Email: toreckman@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
New Mexico
Comments: Let's hope that Bruce Humphrey doesn't do too much with this reunion. Carol is doing a super job. If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and have Carol be our class president. Then maybe we would have had some decent band like Foghat come to Hale instead of the Wooten Brothers. Yee haw...
  May 23, 2004 20:37:14 (GMT Time)


Name: Doug McDonald
Email: dmcdonald47@comcast.net
Where are
you from:
Tulsa now in Jacksonville Fla.
Comments: Great site Rangers. I am the one Tim Chatterton mentioned in his comment. Yes it is a small world. Hope to see y'all at the thirty.
  May 13, 2004 02:08:27 (GMT Time)


Name: randy padek
Email: padekra@tulsaschools.org
Where are
you from:
Comments: hi
  May 11, 2004 18:39:37 (GMT Time)


Name: teresa roberts
Email: terwee@webtv.net
Where are
you from:
tulsa, ok
Comments: good website - wish class of '74 had one
  May 8, 2004 02:59:13 (GMT Time)


Name: Tim Chatterton
Email: rwcdad@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: Great site. I appreciate all the work that has gone into making this site. In the small world file I ran into another one of our classmates after 29 years here in Jacksonville Florida. Just goes to show us Rangers still get around
  May 3, 2004 02:13:15 (GMT Time)


Name: David Pierce
Email: dpierce302@sbcglobal.net
Where are
you from:
Blackwell, OK
Comments: Nice web site. Do you have info. on the class of 66 or other classes?
  April 14, 2004 18:26:01 (GMT Time)


Email: wyomingok@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
  September 15, 2003 17:41:17 (GMT Time)


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